Senior Consultant

Travers Smith

Simon Witney is a Senior Consultant with London-based law firm, Travers Smith.

Simon is one of the market’s most prominent private equity lawyers and a regular speaker and commentator on company law, corporate governance and regulatory matters.  He has advised private equity clients as well as the UK Government on a wide range of fund and transactional matters over the last two decades.

Simon has served in senior positions within the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) over a number of years. He is currently a member of the BVCA Council, which is responsible for its strategic direction and oversight, and previously chaired the BVCA’s Legal and Accounting Committee. He is also a past Chair of Invest Europe’s Tax, Legal and Regulatory Committee and has been a member of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association’s Legal and Regulatory Council.

Simon holds a PhD in corporate governance from the London School of Economics, where he also teaches company law and private equity.  Simon's book, Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment in Private Equity, was published by Cambridge University Press in January 2021.



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